Indulge Your Customers’ Taste Buds with Variety

Variety is the spice of life, so of course our taste buds are always yearning for something new, something more flavorful than we had yesterday. And that’s totally do-able while still staying within daily nutrition guidelines.  In fact, Mister Snacks offers a wide range of flavorful snacks that are packed with fiber and protein to keep you full and energized throughout the day.

What Snacks Can you Add To Your Mix?

Whole grain cereal

Cereals are usually fortified with vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber, so if you add some milk, it can be a really healthy start to the day or a hunger-staving snack later on. If you add some yogurt instead, or honey, nuts, and dried fruits, you can make something more flavorful—perhaps the start of some granola clusters.

Cheese and yogurt

Try making kebabs with chunks of fruit and cheese, or stab a chunk of cheese with a pretzel sticks for a fun snack. On a hotter day, freeze yogurt with berries to make fruity, frozen popsicles. Mister Snacks has yogurt covered peanuts, yogurt covered pretzels, and…wait for it…Greek yogurt covered fruit and berries, with some pretzels inside to balance the sweetness.


Fruit salsa-some combination of cantaloupe, apples tomatoes and lime juice. Try adding pears or peaches….fruit nachos with a layer of fruit, yogurt, honey and other toppings—nuts or seeds?…fruit smoothies—non-fat vanilla yogurt, orange juice, and a banana, then experiment with other fruits. Berries, peaches, even some spinach or kale. Mister Snacks has snack pouches bursting with dried fruits such as pineapple, banana chips, apricots, cranberries, raisins, apple chips, and papaya. If you add some protein-packed nuts, you have a snack that will keep you full for hours.

More whole grains

Try toasting a whole grain waffle, which contain iron, and Vitamins B6, B12, and A, and top with cream cheese and tiny dollops of jelly. Or a tortilla and stuff it with peanut butter or cream cheese and some fresh fruit. Maybe drizzle some honey or agave nectar on top for some added sweetness. What about a whole-wheat pita or crepe stuffed with some berries and cream cheese? Or peanut butter?

Trail mix

The best thing about trail mix is that there are so many different kinds! You can get some that are loaded with mostly dried fruit, nut varieties, coconut shavings, and even chocolate or peanut butter morsels. Some have fun and exotic seasonings Aside from fiber and protein, nuts contain magnesium, iron, and zinc—three minerals you must have in your daily diet. Raisins have fiber, potassium, and vitamins. Mister Snacks has all of that. Mister Snacks has Wasabi Mix, Tutti Fruity, Sierra Mix, Tahitian Treat, Strawberry Honey Crunch, Texas Hots, and more. Whether your customers are craving sweet, salty, or spicy, Mister Snacks has the perfect combination.

Are you looking to add variety to your snack line up?

For more information on how Mister Snacks can help you provide your customers with a wide variety of crunchy snacks that your customers will crave, contact our team today.