Oh Nuts! Are You Missing Out on Maximizing Nut Sales?

People love nuts. And for good reason! Both tree nuts and ground nuts of good sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. And some types may prevent risk factors, like inflammation, for some chronic diseases. And on top of the nutritional benefits nuts offer, they’re delicious. You can eat them raw, dry roasted with a little salt, or sweetened with a cinnamon-honey glaze. They’re crunchy, savory, and best of all, popular, meaning that you need to make sure you’re maximizing their sale.

Optimize your snack sales

These days, everyone is busy—they’re running from activity to activity, from class to class, from meeting to meeting. And they love snacking in between meals, but more than ever, many people are also replacing at least one meal a day with a nutritious snack. Mister Snacks has plenty of options for that. Aside from all types of nuts—pistachios, almonds, peanuts, and cashews—we also sell mixes that feature nuts, like Health Mix, Rocky Mountain Mix, Yogurt Trail Mix, and California Gold, just to name a few.

Target the point of sale

The best place to place your snacks is right up by the cash register, often displayed in baskets, wire racks, and other countertop displays. They’re often hungry and in a hurry, and they know they can find something up front. A granola bar or small bag of nuts or trail mix when they’re paying at the cash register is a good way to remind them that they’re hungry.

Market them as a health food

Nuts are tasty, convenient, portable, and best of all, they’re a health food. Though they’re high in fat and calories, they’re also packed with fiber and protein and antioxidants. They aid in weight loss, and they may lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and inflammation, possibly decreasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Nuts keep you full, reduce disease risk, decrease calorie absorption, and improve gut health.

Have “portable” nuts

People are so busy, they’re often dashing out the door and grabbing the nearest food they can find, either for an immediate meal or a snack later on. Which means they need something they can grab on-the-go, something with re-sealable or portable packaging they can take with them in their bags or in their cars and munch on later. Nuts are the perfect option, and Mister Snacks has them in small, portable bags.

Looking For Great Snacks?

For more ways that you can make sure you’re maximizing your nut sales, contact our team today.