Flexible Displays Translate To Better Sales

Food retailers spend a great deal of time with their displays, which can be frustrating when you’ve got a fixed area to work with. Stores have limited space, and trying to fit everything in can often feel like a game of Tetris. When something needs to be moved or adjusted, it’s rarely a simple prospect. Flexible displays can help stores achieve the agility they are looking for, while driving better sales numbers.

1) Displays Act As Passive Salespeople

Customers don’t always have the time or the inclination to ask for help from an associate when looking for items or choosing between products. Most people have an idea of what they want, and if they can’t find it and access it quickly, they will move on.

The way you display items can make all the difference in a busy shopper’s decision to purchase. Displays should catch the eye, be easily accessible from the shopper’s line of sight and should make it clear what products it holds. The great thing about flexible displays is that they can be moved and adjusted without disrupting the layout of an aisle or counter if the placement isn’t quite right the first time, or to push products during promotions and sales.

2) Customer Tastes Can Be Fickle

Individual customers can be quite rigid in their tastes, but as a whole, your customer base is probably always in transition. People are constantly moving in and out and demographics are always changing.  If your store is located in or around a tourist destination, fickle tastes are the norm, since every day brings an entirely new mix of people.

It’s important to introduce new products into your inventory on a regular basis and rotate out items that move slowly. However, it’s also important to adjust displays according to your changing inventory.  Flexible displays allow stores to achieve agility and to stay in step with demands of shoppers, without having to spend a ton of money on brand new fixtures and signage every time the store experiences a shift in sales.

3) The Right Vendors Matter

Researching flexible displays can be a challenge for busy retail owners and managers. There is a never-ending sea of possibilities, but choosing the wrong displays can lead to disastrous results in terms of costs, lost sales and poor customer satisfaction. Choosing the right partners who can help you make educated decisions about your displays can make all the difference.

It is critical to partner with vendors that understand your market and who have their finger on the pulse of customer tastes and snack food trends. Slapping products anywhere or posting a sign in the window won’t help you achieve better sales. Look for snack food vendors that can offer you flexible displays that have been proven to drive sales, but also meet your needs and fit into your store.

Are you partnered with the right vendor?

If you are looking for healthy snack vendors for your grocery or convenience stores that understand the power of flexible displays,  partner with the team at Mister Snacks. Our high-margin products and market-tested merchandising strategies can help you make an impact on your customers and drive sales.  Contact us today to learn about our options and to discuss the ways we can help you increase your sales.