The Price and the Paper: Brand Loyalty Is Essential for Repeat Sales

Do you know what drives repeat shoppers to your C-store? Is it proximity and convenience? Could it be low prices? The answer might be a little more nuanced than you think. Today’s consumers typically value more than just convenience and price when shopping, even for a quick snack.

The Reasons Why Customers Revisit A C-Store

Recently, RIS News surveyed 5,000 shoppers to find out why they would revisit a C-store. According to the results:

  • 38% cited convenience
  • 23% returned thanks to excellent service
  • 23% returned to a store when they located hard-to-find/unique products
  • 20% chose reputation
  • 19% revisited a C-store for a loyalty/rewards program

While it is true that the majority cited convenience, it’s worthwhile to pay close attention to the other forces driving repeat sales. If you deliver excellent service, shoppers will return, but they will also return if they locate unique products at your store that they can’t find anywhere else.

It is also worthwhile to take note of what isn’t on that list: Price. While consumers are cognizant of how much they spend on items like snacks and drinks, price actually doesn’t factor in to whether or not they are loyal to a C-store. That means you don’t necessarily have to offer the cheapest prices in order to win business.

Do You Know Your Customers?

Offering unique and hard-to-find products that actually sell requires you to understand your customer base. What do they value? What products do they prefer? What time of day do your best customers shop? If you can provide what they are looking for, you’ll become a go-to location for the products they love

An important area to study are snack foods. Snacks are the mainstay of a C-store, but people are looking for more than chips and candy today. According to data:

  • 30% of customers limit consumption of junk food
  • 33% want healthy snacks that they can eat on the go
  • 20% want snacks with protein
  • Parents are increasingly opting for healthy snacks for kids
  • Healthy snacks are being used regularly as meal replacements
  • Though people want healthy snacks, they want snacks that taste good

Creating Loyalty Through Unique Brands

We know that unique products can drive repeat business and customers are increasingly on the lookout for healthy snacks. If you want to attract repeat business to your store, it’s time to start examining your healthy snack options.

Partner With Us

If you are ready to provide your shoppers with high-quality snack foods that they want and will drive repeat business, Mister Snacks can help. We have a wide variety of healthy snack alternatives and we can help you choose the fastest-moving, highest-margin choices for your market. Whether it’s nuts, mixes, dried fruits or exotic, crunchy blends with Sriracha, Cajun, wasabi, barbecue, honey mustard, or light and fat-free Asian rice crackers, Mister Snacks has you covered.  To learn more about our products, our pricing and the ways we can help you strengthen customer loyalty, contact Mister Snacks today.