Innovation Tips That Can Help You Sell More Snacks

“We don’t need to sell more snacks,” said no store, ever.

The entire reason you’re in business is to sell more, increase your profits and grow your business. However, “selling more” requires constantly trying new ideas and taking new approaches to attract new customers and get your existing customers to spend more. As you work out your sales strategies for the coming year, keep these tips in mind for selling more snacks.

Put Healthy Choices Front And Center

Many C-store and specialty store managers cling to traditional floor plans. However, the tastes of the modern consumer are changing. The fact is that younger shoppers and people looking to grab a quick snack are rarely looking for a candy bar or a bag of potato chips. Today, they want something that has ingredients they recognize and is packed full of protein. If you want to boost sales (and margins), rethink where you position them. If shoppers have to search through unhealthy snacks to find what they are looking for, they are likely to get frustrated and give up. Instead, make those snacks easy to access from the door, so your customers can grab and go and will be more likely to come back again.

Take The Thinking Out of Shopping

If someone stops into your store for a snack as a replacement for a traditional lunch, they don’t want to spend a lot of time browsing, even if they aren’t quite sure what they want. Make it easy for them to by displaying healthy snacks alongside drinks or other items that can complement the snack to round out their lunch.  Be sure that the drink or paired item is also healthy – someone looking for a healthy snack isn’t likely to crave a soda. They are probably looking for water, tea, natural fruit or vegetable juice, etc. Strategically pair items that are not only healthy, but also provide you with healthy margins. If you can make it mindless for the shopper to grab both the snack and the drink, it’s a win-win for everyone.

Engage In Micro-Marketing

The truth is, some marketing strategies work for some products, but not others. Effective vendors should be able to leverage their research, data and experience to help you tailor promotions and merchandising to boost sales.  Vendors that don’t offer assistance choosing products, perfecting placement, and creatively merchandising are probably not worth what you pay them. If your vendors won’t help you boost sales, find partners who will.

Are you looking for a wholesale healthy snacks industry leader?

If you want to work with a snack vendor with a national reputation for excellence, the team at Mister Snacks is ready to talk. We work with C-stores, grocery stores and other retailers across the country, matching them with items that will sell quickly and that provide the highest margins for the market. Contact us to start building additional revenue for your stores today.