Variety in the Form of Better Snacks is Better for Sales

Sit in the parking lot of a convenience store for a half hour and be amazed at how busy they are. People are in and out, buying snacks, drinks, day-to-day products, and even full meals at all hours of the day. But if you want to attract new customers and keep your current customers coming back for more, you need to keep things fresh and make sure you’re meeting all their wants and needs. Here’s how a wider variety of better snacks is better for your sales.

Offer a wider variety of products

Consumers are eating more than just chips and sodas, so you need to think beyond that, too. Consider stocking household pantry items, pre-made meals like sandwiches and salads, gourmet coffees, and healthier foods like smoothies, yogurt drinks, and trail mixes. And don’t forget those must-have commodities that rank among most frequently purchased items like bread, milk, and eggs. Think bigger, stock a wider selection of items and make your customers want to come back for more.

Stock food truck staples

The only food service that’s more convenient than a convenience store is a food truck. That’s right, they’re increasing in popularity and serving up pretty high-quality gourmet meals. But that doesn’t mean you can’t compete with them. Stock those same crave-able staples that food trucks are offering, like tacos, gyros, and noodle bowls. Most consumers are tired of the day-old hotdogs that rotate under the hot lamps, so offer something fast and unique and bring in new customers instead of those who are just stopping in because you’re on their way to work.

Offer breakfast

Convenience stores are popular because they’re open all the time and customers can purchase almost anything at any time of day, including early in the morning when people are in the biggest hurry. Most people are running out the door in the morning, prioritizing an extra fifteen minutes of sleep over breakfast, so make sure you stock breakfast menu items that they can pop in and grab on their way to work. Think pastries, like donuts, bagels, and muffins, and egg sandwiches that you can keep warm by the coffee.

Set up eye-catching displays

People are in a hurry, so make it easy to find the most sought-after items. Use effective signage and display your snacks in convenient, obvious spots, like next to the checkout counter. Stock breakfast sandwiches and pastries near the coffee and salty, crunchy snacks near the fountain sodas. Your customers can’t purchase snacks that they can’t find!

Looking to add to your snack lineup?

We’re busy making the best snacks you can buy, and we owe all of our success to you, our customers! We’d like to get better acquainted with you. Please take a look around and let us know what you think of our products and our company. Contact us or call 1-800-333-6393 to make an order. We want to hear from you!